Tomáš Pospíšek's Notizblock

Genius and madness

Having a brain that, in whatever respect, works better than the average signifies that you will be able to imagine stuff in your above-average-area that the "normal" people are not able to. You will see possibilites that others don't see. However, what you know or what you see, is not "real". It's merely a possibility, a very plausible one to you, but maybe not to the lay person. That means that your own "reality" will not entirely overlap with the "general" reality.

The more pronounced your talents are, the further your perception will be from the norm. The more isolated it will be. The more not understood the thing you excell at will be. The more difficult or maybe impossible to explain your view of reality will be.

From the other perspective, coupled with the fact, that understanding other people, being able to empathise with them, not drawing quick conclusions and not being prejudiced are particularily difficult skills, you from your point of view will have greater and greater difficulties understanding the inability of others to see "evident" problems, to acknowledge "trivial" solutions, to naturally "feel", to see what's completely "obvious".

So one characteristic of madness, namely the inability to percieve the world in the "traditional" sense or respectively a supplementary, apparently incompatible view of the world, is something that is to a greater or lesser degree also part of "genius" skills or "exceptional" talents.

Speaking generally: to some point the human ability to "see into the future", to make projections, is madness, since it is not the present reality. It is "illusion"...

Tomáš Pospíšek, 2011-06-06
